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In version 0.1.3 from now on it requires installing flet separately, in previous versions it is installed by default.

pip install flet

To install flet-easy just copy this into your terminal after having already installed python >= 3.8

pip install flet-easy

Ways to install

Available from version 0.2.4"

Flet-Easy provides several ways to install. This allows you to use dependencies that must be used, avoiding unnecessary things when building your application, allowing better control.

Install Flet-Easy Complete


If you use the fs cli, it is important to have git installed.

Installs all the dependencies to use, you can use all the functionalities provided by Flet-Easy

pip install flet-easy[all]

Install clean Flet-Easy

Requires installation of Flet >= 0.21.

pip install flet>=0.21

If you do not use: [CLI-to-create-app]

pip install flet-easy

Install Flet-Easy if you need to use [Basic-JWT]

pip install flet-easy[JWT]