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Route protection

In order to configure the protection of routes, the login decorator of the created object of the app is used. The utility of this decorator is to obtain the values that we have previously registered in the page.client_storage (more details here), then you can perform validations with a database or any data manager used.

Decorator to add a login configuration to the app (protected_route):

  • The decorator function must receive a mandatory parameter, for example: data:fs.Datasy. Which can be used to get information and perform universal settings of the app.
  • The decorator function must return a boolean.


In this case it is a basic example, with a test on a fictitious database.

import flet as ft
import flet_easy as fs

app = fs.FletEasy(

db = []  # Database

def login_x(data: fs.Datasy):
    username ="login")

    """ We check if a value exists with the key login """
    if username is not None and username in db:
        """We verify if the username that is stored in the browser
        is in the simulated database."""
        return True

    return False"/dashboard", title="Dashboard", protected_route=True)
def dashboard_page(data: fs.Datasy):
    return ft.View(
            ft.Text("Dash", size=30),
            # We delete the key that we have previously registered
            ft.ElevatedButton("Logaut", on_click=data.logout("login")),
            ft.ElevatedButton("Home", on_click=data.go("/login")),
    )"/login", title="Login")
def login_page(data: fs.Datasy):
    # create login stored user
    username = ft.TextField(label="Username")

    def store_login(e):
        db.append(username.value)  # We add to the simulated database

        """First the values must be stored in the browser, then in the login
        decorator the value must be retrieved through the key used and then
        validations must be used."""
        data.login(key="login", value=username.value, next_route="/dashboard")

    return ft.View(
            ft.Text("login", size=30),
            ft.ElevatedButton("store login in browser", on_click=store_login),
            ft.ElevatedButton("go Dasboard", on_click=data.go("/dashboard")),

🎬 Demo

alt video


Registering in the client's storage the key and value in all browser sessions.

Parameters data.login:

  • key : It is the identifier to store the value in the client storage.
  • value : Recommend to use a dict if you use JWT.
  • next_route : Redirect to next route after creating login.
  • time_expiry : Time to expire the session, use the timedelta class to configure. (Optional) (JWT usage required)
  • sleep : Time to do login checks, default is 1s. (Optional) (JWT usage required)


Closes the sessions of all browser tabs or the device used, which has been previously configured with the login method.

Parameters data.logout:

  • key : It is the identifier to store the value in the client storage.